Workouts For Dummies
Workouts For Dummies

Description and Feature of Workouts For Dummies
Every few months a new diet, wonder drug, or workout machine hits the market promising instantaneous results. Unfortunately, none of these fads ever seems to work. That’s because the secret to good health is based on a balanced workout routine, which consists of eating a healthy diet, exercising, resting your body, and doing your best to find balance in all aspects of your life. If you can dedicate yourself to this goal and are willing to work for what you want you can have a healthy and fit body.
Workouts For Dummies by Tamilee Webb, whose buffed body is the star of the Buns of Steel workout video series, will show you how to get the most out of your workout routine no matter what your current level of fitness. If you’re a workout enthusiast this book will help you shape up with easy workouts you can do anytime, anywhere. Even if you’ve never exercised, don’t worry—this book starts with basic topics such as choosing shoes and warming up.
Workouts For Dummie s covers everything you’ll need to create an effective exercise program, starting with an explanation of body types (so you don’t think you’ll end up looking like Cindy Crawford if you don’t already) and the workouts that suit your body type. You’ll also find directions for stretches, aerobic exercises, muscle conditioning (using weights, furniture, exercise bands, and bars), and workouts for different locations (home, office, gym), all with illustrations. Workouts For Dummies also deals with the following topics and much more:
- Creating a personalized workout
- Warming up, cooling down, and stretching
- Preventing common injuries
- Targeting and toning trouble spots
- Evaluating equipment, gear, and gadgets
- Determining your fitness level
- Working out while traveling
Confused by all the For Dummies exercise books? If you want a more strenuous strength-training program using free weights and gym machines, try Weight Training for Dummies--it explains how and illustrates exercises. If you're a beginner, Fitness for Dummies is a terrific introduction to exercise and a precursor to this book, with an overview of everything you need to know to get started safely and effectively. --Joan Price
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