An Outdoor Family Guide to Washington's National Parks & Monument: Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, North Cascades, the Olympics (Outdoor Family Guides)
An Outdoor Family Guide to Washington's National Parks & Monument: Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, North Cascades, the Olympics (Outdoor Family Guides)

Description and Feature of An Outdoor Family Guide to Washington's National Parks & Monument: Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, North Cascades, the Olympics (Outdoor Family Guides)
Whether your family comprises a 3-year-old who refuses to walk, a teen who prefers punk to s'mores, or a combination thereof, this family-friendly guide increases the odds that both you and your kids will have fun in the great outdoors of Washington. Conveniently divided into four chapters--North Cascades National Park, Mount Rainier, Mount St. Helens, and the Olympics--the Outdoor Family Guide provides essential trail information as well as advice for parents. For instance, the introduction offers ideas for dealing with the challenges inherent in venturing into the wilds with the age-challenged (as antidotes to boredom, the authors suggest snack bribes and play time at the turnaround point for small children--and don't forget to pack those little cars and trucks!). Each chapter begins with a general overview and map of the entire park, followed by instructions for specific outings. Trail descriptions include at-a-glance details (length, difficulty, elevation gain, seasonality), followed by information on flora and fauna, geology, history, amount of use the area sustains, and any precautions to be aware of. Detailed maps and a healthy array of photographs (one shows a jubilant toddler sidling up to a cairn nearly his height) round out the overall high quality of the guide. If you're planning a trip to Washington's wild places with children in tow, this can save you a lot of heartache and forge the way for adventures unmatched.
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